
Jag befinner mig just nu i stan med axel, yodit, andreas och Sofia, vi kollar rean. Hoppas jag hittar nåt fint till Thailand också. Vi hörs när jag kommer hem. Poss!

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8 kommentarer till Available

  1. Tilda skriver:

    vad betyder din tatuering och vilket språk är det på? den är jätte fin :)

  2. Ellen skriver:

    den är på franska och svår att översätta till svenska men det betyder typ att minnen aldrig dör. Det är själva kärnan. Tack så mycket :)

  3. Midge skriver:

    Evroneye would benefit from reading this post

  4. Fernanda skriver:

    It’s about time sonemoe wrote about this.

  5. Brian skriver:

    I love these arclties. How many words can a wordsmith smith?

  6. prednisone skriver:

    Any idea when a desperate and despicable dwarf will hit the shelves? By far one of my favorite series and I can’t help but to thinks of the “hand wringing faction of the liberal party” or the antics of the conservatives when watching the news on current events. I am sure you had no idea how these times would mirror your book.

  7. There's the rub — and one of the main points made in my original piece. If there were a way to, say, allow for a genetically modified version of marijuana that did everything pot proponents currently claim the magic plant can do without getting anyone high, would those proponents suddenly be satisfied? Anybody wanna take a crack at the answer to that?


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