Mina två nya favoriter har kommit. Från Asos. Tänkte inviga dom ikväll! Riktigt fräna.

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9 kommentarer till ÄLSKADE

  1. rebecca skriver:

    världens mest awesome 79åring, ever ! ;D

  2. Randi skriver:

    Shoot, so that’s that one supsesop.

  3. Mecachis, Juana, q no me comentes pq no tienes tiempo o ganas, lo entiendo, pero no pq pienses q soy tan graaaaande! :c….q no lo soy!Pues mañana precisamente voy a preparar algo con esa receta de bollitos, para la Navidad :n, así q ya sabes….como te ha gustado la primera receta, la segunda la probarás también, verdad? :dUn gran abrazo,

  4. http://www./ skriver:

    I voted for Chris Carney, but I have been disappointed with his voting record. Chris Carney does not "walk the walk he talked" while seeking office. As an independent voter I can no longer support him.

  5. fantastic web site web site…Thanks intended for every various insightful website web site. The position too may I get that might type about data gathered this greatest means? I’ve a considerable challenge which may I’m just at the moment operating having, and likewise I’ve bec…

  6. As for 2016, a Haley-Cruz or Cruz-Haley ticket sounds like a winner to me, but if and only if Cruz doesn't get wobbly on immigration like Marco Rubio has.

  7. You look amazing! Editing photos does take a day and a half but look at what a great result you got! I can't imagine a model showing off these pieces any better than you.

  8. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat hier maar weinig mensen mee weg komen, maar jij bent er zeker één van. Je haarkleur is ook fenomenaal :)xOh'blogbymissoh.blogspot.com

  9. http://www./ skriver:

    But he looks like to me, the kind of guy that thrives on criticism. He's a hard competitor and this will just make him even more competitive. I wouldnt be surprised if he has his best ashes ever.I do agree though that in many ways he has been a victim of circumstances.


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