homemade skirt

snydde en kjol för nån vecka sen. såhär ser den ut på. kommer dock inte använda den i vinter eftersom det är så kallt. har blivit helt galen i mesh. eller alla typer av tyger med ”hål” i samt glesstickat. mumma!

Det här inlägget postades i DIY/Saker jag gjort själv. Bokmärk permalänken.

9 kommentarer till homemade skirt

  1. Hanna skriver:

    Vad skulle det kosta OM du haft lust att sy upp till försäljning? :) Supersnygg!!

  2. tilde skriver:

    aaaah vad fin!!!!!!

  3. Rebecca skriver:

    Riktigt snygg!! Inspirerande blogg.

    • Christiana skriver:

      If I conemmicatud I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.

    • http://www./ skriver:

      February 18, 2009Hey Ben – Great script!I got everything implemented VERY quickly!I am having trouble getting the thumbMouseOverEffects to work though. I have copied the example you gave with this effect functioning, but am unable to see the effect. All the images, captions, targets are working perfectly, just can’t get the images to “zoom” onMouseOver.Any thoughts? Probably something simple, just can’t put my finger on it.

    • Very true. I will have to go check those out.You’re definitely right about the triumph of rhetoric over reason, style over substance. The Internet is certainly a meritocracy, but of lulz not ideas.For example, Miss South Carolina has had no trouble getting her message out!For another, check out Flock of Dodos, a documentary about the evolution ”debates”. Pretty convincing that science and logic have severe PR problems.

    • Well put, Jeff. Most of us don’t make enough time for a regular high altitude look at our lives, and even more importantly, at re-aligning ground level actions to be consistent with what we say is important. This was a great reminder!

    • Me falta poco para terminar la novela y debo decir que lo mejor es el título. Me pareció muy sugerente y vista la publicidad esperaba algo apasionante, pero he tenido que hacer un esfuerzo considerable para no dejarla después de los primeros capítulos. Me parece floja, no hay tensión narrativa, los personajes no tienen ningún interés, los diálogos son sosos y tópicos…en fin, a mí también me ha decepcionado.A Víctor le recomendaría a Philippe Claudel. Me parecieron muy interesantes El informe Brodeck y Almas grises.


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