Har hittat ett budgetalternativ till chloé’s supersnygga bikini. budgetalternativet kostar 349kr och kommer från nelly och orginalet från chloé kostar ca 1500kr.
hörrni jag hade glömt bort bloggen för ett tag. gud så skönt det var. har funderat på att sluta helt men det ska jag tänka igenom ordentligt. skulle kännas väldigt tomt. men samtidigt trist att förlora alla sina läsare för att man uppdaterar så sällan så det känns inte så motiverat. jag har liksom inte tiden och orken längre tyvärr.
Dear Ellen, I work within the fashion industry and I read many many blogs to document trends etc, my dream job! I would personally love you to not give up, I really enjoy your posts and photos – your everyday style is great inspiration! There are too many stylish girls giving up on their blogs. So I would be sad to see you disappear! Do you still want a career in fashion? From my experience, a lot of successful stylists and young designers have made good careers for themselves through their blogs because they have been able to show what they do to a huge audience. I think you should definitely think very seriously about that idea. I have followed your blog for about a year on and off, I can tell you have had your ups and downs. I would be very interested to see your final designs from fashion school, and also to see more of your personal style. If you put more effort back into this awesome blog I think you would bring more attention back to your design work. I hope you find your ambition! Best, Sally
Neeeej, snälla fortsätt blogga !!
Åh, jag förstår exakt hur du känner dig, jag funderar över samma beslut…