Namn: Ellen Westin
Ålder: 21 år
Bor: Stockholm, Täby
Gör: Jobbar på Vero Moda
Intressen: Sy, träna och resa!
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dagens 20120326
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åh, älskar’t!
Sick! I haven’t seen anyone with neon green! grymma! Puss
SÅ fina! Vilken storlek har du på dessa? :)
Love it!
Lieber Helmut,nun bist du ja schon halb durch Spanien durch. Glückwusch. Genieße das Wetter. Hier regnet es und stürmisch war es heute auch.Macht das alte Koga immer noch zuverlässlich mit? Prima.Dir weiterhin alles Gute und viel RÃrkdenwincA¼tur
Nokia Lumia 820 is having issues of saving HD 1080p video onto external microsd card, I hopes Nokia will quickly resolve this issues at first.For Lumia 620, should be a good cost effective range of WP8, I may have one of it as backup device )
( Why da hell I can’t watch anything on youtube nowadays??? it dont show nothin’ ! its just a blank tube… even the DOWNLOAD MANAGER doesnt appear for downloadin the video!!! Somebody please HELP
, have settled it they shouldn't need more money and would be off researching something else now, but if they really do need more money they must feel their case isn't yet as strong as it might be. His head didn't actually pop but I don't think he was very happy.
The In-Ear Headphones work for music listening with iPhone and iPhone 3G, but nothing else works; e.g. the microphone and remote/volume control. I didn’t read the compatibility fine print before I ordered, so I need to unplug the headphones to take calls now. Very annoying.I ordered the headphones after I upgraded to v3.0, so I can’t say confirm Alexander Benker’s experience that they worked before the upgrade. If they did and this is only a software issue, it’s impossible to understand why they would removed the support.
My son is 10 years old, and my daughter is 6 years old.It kind of depends on the kids. From what I hear second born children pick it up faster because of their older siblings. I blogged about I think 5 is good, at the minimum, you can put it all in savings until they are ready… If they do have a aptitude with it, I split the money up a few ways with some of it going to savings, spending and tithing!
« En termes d’analyse transactionnelle, on assiste à des grondements duâ€moi-parent†face à l’extension du “moi enfantâ€. »Le SP pourrait peut-être vous faire un billet juste pour vous deux 2 ? Vous pourriez y laisser libre cours à votre fantaisie d’enfants et nous pourrions de notre côté continuer à papoter entre adultes austères ?
Ahahahahah! Sto ridendo come una scema (al solito, da sola, davanti al pc con mia madre che passa e ci chiede se sia il caso di consigliarmi uno psicologo..). Comunque non sei un'orsa e non sei l'unica contro i sentimenti (veri? finti? boh…) sbandierati sulla rete, tranquilla ;)