cut off levis

IMG_4244ni kommer väl ihåg mina tre par levis som jag hittade? dom ena klippte jag av till shorts (ni får se bild imorn) och dom andra klippte jag av typ 15cm nedtill så nu påminner dom lite om ett par acne pop fast slitna nedtill. BIG LIKE. ni får se hela lite senare!

Det här inlägget postades i Detaljer. Bokmärk permalänken.

12 kommentarer till cut off levis

  1. Anna Fritzdorf skriver:

    Superbra blogg med massa inspiration, men vad är de för modell på dina Levi’s?

    • Ellen Westin skriver:

      Hej! Tackar! 501 på alla mina levis:)

      • Kaleigh skriver:

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      • http://www./ skriver:

        Do not even mull. You are the reason I started blogging therefore you may not even hint at no longer blogging!On the new theme thing why don’t you give WP’s default theme a spin? You can change loads of things about the appearance yourself. (I think its Twenty Eleven now and Twenty Twelve is on its way)alida´s last post [type] ..

      • blancolån skriver:

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      • http://www./ skriver:

        Videoclips und UGC “unbedenklich”, “keine Bedrohung” oder sogar “förderlich”….?Wen willst Du denn damit in den Schlaf wiegen? (oder geht hier nochmal um den famosen Spannungsbogen?) Das mögen heute 2/3 sein, aber das überwältigende Potenzial von dem wir hier reden, liegt ja nun genau im letzten Drittel, oder?Bin schon mächtig gespannt auf Deinen Vortrag- cheers Oliver

      • http://www./ skriver:

        Very good step by PTA and Pakistani Government. Soon All foreign Mobile Companies will pack their business and left Pakistan. Thanks PTA and Pakistani Government for this step.

      • http://www./ skriver:

        Moi non plus j’ai pas de short en jean, ça me va pas du tout ! J’ai qu’un short noir esprit (payé la peau du cul donc) que je ne mets jamais… Aaah les converses… <3

      • http://www./ skriver:

        HornerSomewhat older than old news, this "Show saved passwords" feature was there since the first public build in September 2008.Related security improvement request was one of the fist issues filed on the day of initial release: .

      • I will elevate the host for enough time for a simple adoration or short prayer. I am always reminded by the priest who thought that the height of the Mass was the elevation when in fact it is the words of consecration. He was surprised when I told him it was not the elevation. However I do elevate the Host and Chalice a little longer when offering Mass across the street from Planned Parenthood. It helps to chase away more devils and ask the Precious Blood to cover all there.

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